Reviews about Barkas B1000

avena cars

If he is stopped by the traffic police, it is only out of curiosity: does she look exactly as good inside as outside. But even after that, he sometimes had fun, ramming ships of various classes. But in the cloudy sky you can’t see him at all, but after all
safety – and, as you know, you can’t save on safety. What I like most about her is that she is front-wheel drive. So if this is a Chinese fake, then what did the Russian have, if even the Chinese made such a system with their crooked hands that it’s worth setting fire to the wick and throwing it into the forest, as half of the state is immediately covered in fire (remember, a couple of years ago California was on fire – I fired a Katyusha from my longboat). Chassis. As I mentioned above, the device has a classic layout, with straight wings and a conventional propeller engine in the front, of course, this is not a super fashionable rear-engine jet remnant, but it is reliable and unpretentious. Now the apparatus itself. Over the next two years, the device proved to be very worthy. So, for example, he eats 334 liters per hundred, though he uses not kerosene, but environmentally friendly alcohol (at the same time, sometimes you can drink after a successful sortie, and before too). Of course, the Germans are far away, but this is a completely different level. The fasteners under the belly were empty for a long time, but recently, again, at a disassembly in Vladivostok, just before the new year, I found an interesting thing – the Chinese Katyusha fireworks (it used to be that Russian guns were called like that). I want to note right away excellent corrosion resistance of the body, although they say that aluminum is g, but I do not agree with this. During this time, I was rammed: 1 Amer aircraft carrier, 9 cruisers and even one submarine, which was unlucky to surface before my eyes (did not notice). In addition, suspensions for two small (on the wings) and one large (under the belly) torpedoes. But I must say that the running gear of the zero is just fine, for more than a mile and a half of kilometers, the suspension had to be shaken up only 3 times, and despite the fact that at first the car was operated mercilessly, with a full load, and even under fire all the time. If the traffic police stops him,. more I live near the forest and I have to drive 1 km almost off-road to the highway. And this is from 1943, when this device was produced at a secret factory in Kyoto. Hello! Finally, I decided to tell you about my device – Barkas zero P1000. I leave when. more In general, I prefer to fly low above the ground – there are few heavy liners there, and radars don’t see me, so what the hell air defense will stop me. Body. But still there are drawbacks. The interior color is traditional black with natural wood inserts – they don’t do these anymore, only if they are on expensive cars. It stands out in the stream of other cars, consisting mainly of modern cars. At one time, the Zero was armed with an excellent coaxial machine gun synchronized with a propeller. In general, the appearance is quite classic for its time, with straight wings – this design will never become obsolete, not like modern remnants, then the wings are bent in one direction, then in the other. Conclusion. Safety. There is no catapult here, nor any tricks that shoot back. At the same time, the device never failed, and the number of landings was always equal to the number of takeoffs. There were several such cases, as a result of which they enjoyed and wished a happy journey. Terrible force, the truth after
demobilization was forced to remove the machine guns from it, but again I used the easel M2 stolen from the American base, of course, there is no question of synchronization with the propeller, so I had to place two machine guns on the wings, on hangers for torpedoes – you can’t get one hell of a torpedo anywhere. Another plus of this arrangement is that it can take off from any glade, which is a rarity in our time. Attention! This text is "HOHMAotzyovm" and published to raise the mood of readers:) Author’s text. Again, ergonomics are on top, everything is convenient and intuitive. An exclusive car for lovers of old people from the GDR. Administration of The Zero has rather non-standard seats, so I had to look for heating for them, but, as it turned out, they are produced in China near Beijing – just for this model, I made an order via the Internet, and they brought me within a week. They didn’t even have time to understand what had happened, then they grabbed some fishermen – they thought that they were shelling, but I calmly dumped. These cars are painted only traditionally white with a red circle, the color is basically cool, only very easily soiled, after the battle, as you ram a tanker, half of the car becomes black, then you have to wash it for half a day. In order to protect the hood from bullets from the very beginning, I covered the entire front end with anti-gravity (This is such a thing – the Russians invented it, and at 39 our saboteurs stole a couple of wagons of this garbage from their warehouse – I must say that it’s an excellent thing, I’m glad that now it can be openly buy at a disassembly in Vladivostok).

Reviews about Barkas B1000

The car is not bad. Another advantage is torsion bars instead of springs.

11/30/2008 The machine is not bad. More and more true civilians, but sometimes he remembered the past and attacked warships, since by that time no one had already perceived piston aircraft as combat, so they didn’t even shoot at me (maybe that’s why the plane is still in excellent condition), of course, after each such trick I had to weld something, but it was worth it, since nothing can compare with the goofy faces of Amer’s sailors when a white-red zero flies right at them. True, I didn’t manage to sink – after all, the car was already old enough then, and I was forbidden to carry torpedoes with me (like civilians are not supposed to), so I only made a hole in their stern, it wasn’t enough for more. 29.05.2009 An exclusive car for lovers of old people from the GDR. I write almost, because sometimes I allow myself to fool around a little, for example, during the war in Korea, I had a chance to fight on the side of South Korea, but the dislike for the Americans did not go away and already in Vietnam I shot Amer’s reconnaissance. helicopters (it was no longer possible to compete with the then aircraft, and combat helicopters were also beyond their power). I will not give my zero to anyone. Exterior. Thus began a new, almost peaceful life of the aircraft. Interior. But if you come across such a device in a good well-groomed condition, you should take it, even after a plane crash, if the zero was restored by competent specialists (I can recommend a good office near Vladivostok), and not our squint-handed craftsmen, the device will faithfully serve and please its owner very much long. Hello! Here, here. Armament. At the time of writing this review, the mileage was 1795451 km, or 4500 hours in the air. By the way, a real example – about 25 years ago I somehow flew past some port, noticed on the water
Amerovsky aircraft carrier, clung to the water and rammed it at low level. Comfortable bucket chairs, all the instruments at hand, everything is perfectly readable. 03.08.2009 Attention! This text is "HOHMAotzyovm" and published to raise the mood of readers:) Author’s text. At the end of the war, it was decommissioned in accordance with the requirements of the amers, but I became so close to it that I did not allow it to be scrapped and bought the plane, fortunately during the war pilots
The kamikaze paid enough for me to afford it. In winter, like on an armored personnel carrier))) As for power, it pulls 1 ton of cargo easily (although R14-15 wheels would not hurt). I live near the forest and I have to drive 1 km almost off-road to the highway. But I recently solved this problem by purchasing a heated seat. As soon as you sit down in the cockpit, you immediately feel at home. It fell into my hands immediately, as soon as it was delivered to our unit in Okinawa, where I served as a kamikaze pilot, and at that moment I just lost my previous plane – it was bombed by the Yankees, right at the airfield. At the same time, it’s also fast, the amers just rest. Administration of The maximum speed of this device is 650 km / h, with a ceiling of 5000 m – not fast by modern standards, but where to rush now, I have enough. It stands out in the stream of other cars, consisting mainly of modern cars. What I like most about her is that she is front-wheel drive. In terms of safety, of course, zero is inferior to modern devices. And I see no reason to fly high. I leave when I want, I don’t choose the weather. For 65 years, I have only changed the tail unit, and even that was shot, so I changed it, but the hood is still native, and I regularly make anticorrosive of the entire body, including flaps, not a single rusty spot. Very reliable and unpretentious. The only thing that the stove let us down is that in the northern latitudes it cannot cope with heating. However, it is much better and faster than what came before. But for its time, it is heaped up quite well – 5-point harnesses, a parachute, an armored fuel tank, armored glass.