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Following the OnePlus Nord 2 smartphones, a vibrating charger started

In the last hour, a dekil of stories about the vibrations of the OnePlus Nord 2 smartphone appeared in the city. For the first time, having vibrated not the gadget itself, but its charger.

What’s the catch?

About the incident, the OnePlus Nord 2 file was found in social media. For yoga words, the adapter with the cable charged the phone, and at the moment it became busy. Luckily, the person did not suffer, the phone also lost its cell – the socket and the RFP itself were damaged.

I wanted to get this to your immediate attention. My OnePlus Nord 2 warp charger blasted with a huge sound and it blew up the socket. Luckily I’m alive to make this tweet. The Nord 2 is working. but this is scary af. I’m still in shock@OnePlus_IN @oneplus @OnePlus_Support

– Jimmy Jose (@TheGlitchhhh) September 25, 2021

The notification turned the attention of the OnePlus support service, as it pleased the Vlasnik to see the customer service center. Zreshtoy fakhіvtsі came to Visnovka, because the cause of the fire was the voltage drop. Koristuvachev also exchanged the battery charger for a new one.

“We are more serious about any such claims. Koristuvach handed over the chargers to our service center, and the replacement was ordered for him. OnePlus chargers have built-in capacitors to control and store energy. In the same way, after the real analysis, it was found out that the capacitors were left with non-existent ones, and it is possible to break the whiskers, that the vibrations were caused by external factors, such as power surges, ”- noted in OnePlus.